2020 is a frustrating year for international trade. We met too many changes in life and business. New beginning is upon the world. We are ready to embrace new challenge and major change in a new year.

In last ten years, more customers are paying more attention to eco friendly products. Engineers are also changing their viewpoint toward product development. Product composition changed from the original plastic mixed with fibers, bamboo fiber, wood fiber to disposable leaf or wood made dinnerware. Paper packaging or paper dinnerware material has to be FSC certified. That without doubt shows our unwavering resolution to protect earth and our consideration for the offspring.

We are a company that is always dedicating to develop products in new and better eco material. In last a few year, we opened a lot of product moulds that are used to product bamboo fiber dinnerware set and other kitchen used tray and tools. We are thrilled and humbled in face of such popularity. But we shouldn’t addict ourselves to the past success. Whenever there is a new and better material emerging in the market, we should make changes again.

As of last year, our product engineers have been very busy with developing new product models in PLA material- A BRAND NEW ECO FRIENDLY GREAT MATERIAL! I can specially introduce this material in next article. You would definitely love it 🙂  Till now we have made complete samples of coffee mugs and children’s dinner set. But we are not yet rush to push them out.

Stay tuned or you can reach out to us. When we have update and ready to push out, you will be the first one to be noticed.

Written on 02/02/2021